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Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering is an advanced branch of engineering which deals with the application of existing or known scientific knowledge in electronics, instrumentation, measurements and control for any process, practical calibration of instruments, automation of processes etc. It is a combination of [Electronics] and Instrumentation Engineering. This branch is an industry-oriented engineering branch which needs more knowledge and experience in industrial applications to excel in a career. The course has been introduced in many universities across India.


To create an Institution for higher technical Education, dedicated to the cause of developing professional with high sense of ethical values and commitment to the society, where student shall realize their potentials and learn to be future torch bearers of evolving Technologies , through inculcation of proper attitude, appropriation of tradition and heritage and fostering of originality so as to be capable of functioning without being influenced by malice of caste, creed, political and religious dogmas.


  • To meet the demand of quality technically skilled human resource at national and international level
  • To offer high quality education in the field of automation and control and offer an environment conductive
    to research for both students and faculty.
  • To strengthen R&D activity in collaboration with Industries, Premier Institutions and Research Labs.
  • To develop strong industry-institute linkages.


AEIE by virtue of its cutting edge quality of education, the uniqueness of its teaching-learning process and the continuous emphasis on the all-round development of students, has created a niche for itself. A harmonious

integration of valued traditions with modern outlook is the guiding principle behind the development of academic environment of the Institute.


The dept. flaunts of having a good number of well equipped laboratories to support its curriculum. The laboratories are in a continuous mode of upgradation to cope with the advances taking place in the field of engineering and technology. Following well equipped labs available in our Institute.

  • Process Control Lab
  • DCS Lab
  • Analytical Instrumentation Lab
  • Measurement Lab
  • Power Electronics Lab
  • Industrial Instrumentation Lab
  • Instrumentation Design and Simulation Lab
  • Microprocessor 8085/ 8086 Lab
  • Soft Computing Lab
  • Microcontroller Lab
  • Control System Lab
  • Remote Control and Telemetry lab